Annabelle's Adventures with Little Blue
By: Annabelle
This weekend I got to take home Little blue. Our adventure began with mom, dad, Little Blue, Ava, and me going to see Wreck-It Ralph. My favorite part was when Vanellope got to be president of Sugar Rush. Little Blue's favorite part was when Felix said, "Oh, come on. Whatever I touch is fixed," because he just wanted to get out of jail. Then we went to dinner. After that we went home. On the way home, Little Blue fell asleep. The next day Ava and Little Blue played monster tag. Little Blue turned big and was the monster. He attacked Ava and he won. Then Little Blue had a crush on Ava's girl monkey. She was a ballet dancer. Then Little Blue and I went to Macy Z.'s. Then I played with Andrew. We played with his Harry Potter Legos and Little Blue.