Friday, November 22, 2013

Emily's Adventures with Flipper

Friday: Flipper and I got picked up from C.A.P. When we got home, we helped my mom rake leaves. Flipper watched us rake the leaves. When we were about to jump in the leaves, I tucked Flipper in my coat so he wouldn’t get scared.  We went inside. Flipper helped me do the student challenge. After that, we ate pizza for dinner. Then, we went to a meeting. We waited so long, Flipper fell asleep in the middle of a movie!

Saturday: Flipper, my sister, and I played in the basement. Then we ate breakfast. When we went outside, we played in the car trunk because it was so cold. Then, we went inside. We watched movies on the iPad. After that, we ate lunch. “Flipper looks fat after lunch!” my sister told me. We watched more movies and tested markers. Flipper got a little mark on his wing from a blue marker. My sister and I played a game. Flipper cheered me on. We ran outside to play. Flipper enjoyed the cold, but not me. We went inside to play on the iPad. We ate dinner. After that, Flipper listened to me play my violin. Flipper tried to play my piano. (I hate to admit this, but Flipper is not a very good piano player.) We played on the iPad. Then, we got ready for bed. I tucked Flipper in my pillowcase. We went to bed.

Sunday: My mom went to a morning meeting. My sister, Flipper, and I played monkeys on my bunk bed. Then, we went to church. After that, we ate lunch and made paper snowflakes to decorate the building. We went shopping to buy things for a party. We went back home to pick up some things. Then, we went to the party. When we got back home, Flipper helped me do my homework. (He told me all the answers.) I gave him a bath and went to bed.

I hope Flipper had a great time!

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