Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Class Pet Photo Contest

Each student had the opportunity to bring home a class pet for a second time. Swinger, Flipper, and Little Blue posed for pictures in various categories ranging from silliest and most mischievous, to best action shot and makes you say, "Awww!" The photos are so creative and I really enjoyed seeing all of the fun the students had with the class pets. Below is a link to the student survey the class filled out. Winners will be announced once all of the votes have been tallied, so check back soon!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Planet Research Videos

Take a look at the students' amazing newscasts filmed live on the planet they researched!

We have spent the last month researching the planets, synthesizing notes, writing scripts, and recording videos.

Now that the students have viewed each other's films, they will be doing a jigsaw activity to try and persuade their classmates to vote for their planets to win a variety of awards. 

Once the votes are tallied, we will have our culminating activity, an award show called the Solars, which is scheduled for Tuesday morning. The students are invited to bring their formal attire to school for this student-only red carpet event!