Friday, February 19, 2016

Swinger's Adventures with Ashlyn

Swinger was so excited to come home on Friday.  Swinger met my other monkey, Bananas, he was so happy. Friday night Swinger, Bananas and I played on my Ipod. 

On Saturday Swinger and I slept in until 8:00, we were so tired. Saturday afternoon, Swinger came with me to my basketball practice. He learned all about our play strategy called, pizza! Saturday night, I was going to a dance with my dad and Swinger stayed home because monkeys were not allowed. While I was gone Swinger helped my brother make cookies for school, it was actually homework! Swinger began to get naughty because he was mad that he couldn’t go to the dance. He was hanging on the ceiling fan, hiding in the curtains and even tried to eat our hermit crabs. When I got home Swinger was playing on my IPod but then he let me play a little while he just sat on my head and watched me. It was getting late so Swinger and I went to bed. 

On Sunday morning, my mom and dad went to go pick up my girl scout cookies while Swinger and I waited patiently. There were so many cookies that Swinger made just a little fort to play in, I said “why not bigger” Swinger nodded his head. Soon it was time to go to my basketball game, Swinger cheered us on. Swinger was upset that we didn’t win because we played a great game. When we got home from my basketball game, Swinger was hanging from the fish tank just watching the fish swim around (he was there for a while). We went out to dinner for Valentine’s day to Fridays. Swinger ate some shrimp because they forgot to bring him a banana. Swinger ate some of my pasta and he liked it so much he wanted to eat it all. On the way home from dinner, Swinger was hanging from the handle inside the car, swinging around and having so much fun. Swinger was tired and I was too so we went to bed. 

On Monday, Swinger and I woke up and went down stairs and had donuts for breakfast.  After breakfast, my mom let all of us play video games all morning. Swinger, my mom and I went to the store, when Swinger saw the bananas he went crazy. After dinner it was time for swim lessons and then basketball practice. Both Swinger and I were tired after all that.

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